Viral Now - Two Tests To Check If You Have Bad Breath That Scares People Away (With Solutions)


Has someone ever politely offered you a stick of mint gum from out of the blue, but you were not sure why? You accepted the offer, but in your mind you were silently wondering if you were offered the gum because you had bad breath.

Two Ways To Test For Bad Breath

These two bad breath tests are highly recommended by experts:

1. Scrape the back of your tongue

This is easy to do and all you need is a spoon. Scrape the back of your tongue using the tip of the spoon, let it dry, and then smell it. If it smells foul, then you do have bad breath, and the possible cause for a foul smell from this spoon test is coming from your tongue.

2. Lick your hand

If you do not have a spoon handy and want to know as soon as possible if you have bad breath, all you have to do is lick the back of your hand, let it dry, and then smell it. If it smells bad, then yes, you do have bad breath.

How To Fix Your Bad Breath Problem

These fixes are temporary since bad breath can be caused by different reasons. They also need to be done regularly to help eliminate bad breath, but the good thing is that they are quick fixes:

1. Drink water regularly

A dry mouth causes dead cells on the tongue and then when bacteria breaks it down, it causes bad breath. If the body is hydrated, the mouth will be able to regularly produce saliva, meaning there will be less bacteria build-up. Experts recommend drinking eight 8-ounce glasses, which equals about 2 liters, or half a gallon per day.

2. Rinse with mouthwash

Bacteria built up on the teeth can create a bad odor in your mouth. Rinsing or gargling with mouthwash washes away bacteria.

3. Clean the back of your tongue regularly

Use tongue scrapers to clean the back of your tongue regularly. Tongue scraping can reduce the concentration of volatile sulfur compounds and therefore, will reduce bad breath. It is most effective when done after every meal.

4. Eat an apple

Apples can help prevent bad breath because they work as a natural toothbrush. They are effective in brushing away the bacteria on the teeth and also help in removing food particles and plaque. Apples also have a high water content so they aid in adding extra moisture and keeping our mouths hydrated. They are also rich in a soluble fiber called pectin, so it will aid in proper bowel movement.

Bad breath is almost always preventable. The only way for us to prevent it is to take proactive steps in preventing it.

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