Viral Now - 5 Most Common Life Mistakes People Make In Their 20s

What You Might Be Getting Wrong In Your 20s

Your twenties is a challenging decade. You’ve probably finished school and have taken the first steps up the career ladder. Old friendships might be changing, your first significant romantic relationship might be beginning or ending, and you are probably still trying to work out what you want and what you need to be doing with your life. How you choose to approach life will make a big difference to how well you navigate this tricky ten-year period. Read on to discover the five ways in which you may be sabotaging your own happiness as a twentysomething.

Common Mistake #1

Forcing yourself to figure out all the important things in life, and expecting them to happen all at once

Young people today are under an incredible amount of pressure to establish a successful career as soon as possible, to find the perfect partner at the earliest opportunity and to discover their ultimate vision by the age of thirty. Is it any wonder that mental health problems are so rife in this age group? Remember that you have many years ahead of you to try new careers, ways of living, and to uncover your true values. It is not reasonable to expect that your life will be in perfect order five, ten or even fifteen years after graduation.

Common Mistake #2

Living to work instead of working to live

Taking pride in one’s career can be a healthy source of satisfaction, and earning a good salary offers you a broad range of options when it comes to choosing where to live and how to spend your time. However, some people allow their relationships, hobbies and interests suffer as they pursue the mighty dollar. Do not let this happen to you. Try to strike a balance between work and play.

Common Mistake #3

Being cynical instead of trying to think of what you can do to make a difference

There’s no doubt that this world is imperfect and that there is much we as a society need to change. It is easy to become cynical and to focus on the negatives, but a more constructive approach is to identify the steps you can take to make the world a better place. This can be as simple as making regular donations to charity, undertaking some volunteer work, or getting involved in a cause that is important to your local community.

Common Mistake #4

Thinking that love alone is enough to sustain a relationship

Love is undoubtedly a key ingredient in making a relationship work. However, it is not sufficient. It is possible to be very much in love with someone yet realize that the two of you are fundamentally incompatible. The best relationships are based not on romantic love but on shared values, dreams and goals. Communication skills and the ability to argue without hurting one another for the sake of it are also vital.

Common Mistake #5

Blaming our parents and forgetting they are human too

The way you were raised and the relationship you had with your parents will definitely have influenced your personality and the ways in which you relate to other people. However, many people make the mistake of focusing too much on what their parents did wrong whilst forgetting everything they did right. Try to take a more balanced view of your parents. Very few people are all good or all bad. Most people have no idea what they are doing when they welcome their first child into the world, and they are bound to screw up from time to time. Remind yourself that your parents are only human, and they are the only set you have.

The post 5 Most Common Life Mistakes People Make In Their 20s appeared first on Lifehack.

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