[Amazing] 25 Of The Biggest Lies Told By Parents
Everybody knows that parents bend the truth a little bit. From Santa Claus to the tooth fairy, there are some things that we all eventually realize were unfortunately not true. But those aren’t the only ones as there are certainly several other good examples as well. These are 25 of the biggest lies told by parents!
“If you cross your eyes, they’ll stay that way.”
Image: pixabay (public domain)
Challenge accepted
“If you don’t get good grades, you’ll end up homeless.”
Image: www.pexels.com (adapted from; public domain)
You know what they call the last person in the class to graduate from medical school? …Doctor.
“If you don’t put on a coat, you will catch a cold.”
Image: pixabay.com (public domain)
You don’t get sick because you’re cold. You get sick because of a virus or bacteria. Bacteria hate the cold, and viruses are only transmitted through other people. So technically, if you want to not get sick you shouldn’t wear a coat. In fact, you shouldn’t wear anything. You should cryogenically freeze yourself and go as far away from other people as possible. But that might be a bit much to explain to mom.
“Do whatever you want.”
This is not permission, this is a threat.
"Santa is tired of of milk and cookies. He'd much rather have Doritos and beer."
Source: 22words.com
“We’re leaving in 5 minutes.”
Image: pixabay.com (public domain)
You said that 30 minutes ago.
“Here comes the airplane.”
Lies. It’s just spinach.
“We’ll see.”
Image: pixabay.com (public domain)
That’s a no.
“Everything will be fine.”
Image: pixabay.com (public domain)
Unfortunately, that’s not how life works.
“You can be anything you want to be.”
Image: commons.wikimedia.org (adapted from; public domain)
Well, I don’t want to be anything.
“If you go out with your hair wet, you’ll catch a cold.”
Image: pixabay.com (public domain)
As we already said, you get sick from being indoors and in close proximity to other people. The wetness of your hair has nothing to do with it.
“If you’re nice to people, they’ll be nice to you.”
“The crust has the most nutritional value.”
Well played mom, well played.
“I’m only going to buy milk.”
…And she comes back with half the grocery store.
“That’s nice dear.”
She didn’t even look.
“I’ll think about it.”
Image: pixabay.com (public domain)
It’s a no.
"Just ignore the bullies.”
And keep getting bullied?
“Eating carrots will help you see better.”
Image: commons.wikimedia.org (public domain)
No they won’t; that was World War II propaganda mom.
“When kids make fun of you, they're just jealous.”
Of what?
"I'll hold onto your savings just in case of an emergency."
This one can be pretty sleazy, but there are parents out there that do this.
“I have eyes in the back of my head.”
Who would actually believe this?
"I know what I'm doing."
It may take a while, but you eventually realize just how little your parents actually knew.
“Dinner’s ready.”
Image: pixabay.com (public domain)
Now set the table.
“You’re such a handsome boy!”
Image:pixabay.com (public domain)
Because what else are they supposed to say?
If you’ve enjoyed this post, be sure to check out 25 Most Ridiculous Lies Parents Actually Tell Their Kids.
“If you tell me the truth, you won’t get in trouble”
Image: pixabay.com (public domain)
More like you won’t get in as much trouble.
Photos: 22. http://ift.tt/1QDxVuv via bluediamondgallery.com, 21. Jonathan G Meath via wikimedia commons, 19. Nillerdk via wikimedia commons, 14. Karyn Christner via flickr, 13. Stacy Spensley via flickr, 12. Joe Goldberg via flickr, 11. adapted from charlessharp via sharpphotography via wikimedia commons, 9. Thomas Ricker via flickr, 7. adapted from Richard Foster via flickr, 6. 401(k) 2012 via flickr, 5. Laitr Keiows via wikimedia commons, 4. http://ift.tt/1QDxVuv via bluediamondgallery.com,