Exclusive - Miss Bulgaria Wants to Give Her Miss U Dress to a Girl in Need, Now She Has Found Her! Find out More Here!

Despite the fact that she did not end up with the crown after last Monday’s Miss Universe contest, Miss Bulgaria Violina Ancheva took it upon herself to put it behind her and create something good out of it. Now, she is making headlines for making a teenage girl very happy for the donation Miss Bulgaria gave her.

Violina Ancheva told her fans last Monday that she will give the dress she used on the Miss U contest to a lucky girl that needs a prom dress, and now the search is over. Issay Gallano, a single mother of a 15-year-old daughter named Zyra Nicole Cifra. Gallano, as the sole breadwinner for the family, could not afford a dress for Cifra. Cifra's prom is just a few weeks away. Ancheva arranged for her to meet Issay at the Conrad Hotel in Pasay City. Her daughter wasn’t able to attend the meeting because she was in school, but her mother filmed her reaction when she first saw it.

Miss Bulgaria Wants to Give Her Miss U Dress to a Girl in Need, Now She Has Found Her! Find out More Here!

EXCLUSIVE: The moment #MissBulgaria #ViolinaAncheva gives her @SherriHill gown to Issay Gallano at @ConradManila | @isabellamay

Miss Bulgaria Wants to Give Her Miss U Dress to a Girl in Need, Now She Has Found Her! Find out More Here!

— CNN Philippines (@cnnphilippines) January 31, 2017

"I know how she feels and I'm happy I gave it to you, and your daughter will have the best dress of the evening," Ancheva told Mommy Issay. She also said that this is one of the most heartfelt moments she ever had and that she is very happy to help other people.

Miss Bulgaria Wants to Give Her Miss U Dress to a Girl in Need, Now She Has Found Her! Find out More Here!

The navy blue, two-piece top and skirt set was from the glamorous brand Sherri Hill who gave all the Miss U contestants dresses such as that as a gift.

Miss Bulgaria chose someone from Manila because she would later fly home that day.

What do you think of Miss Bulgaria’s kind deed? Tell us what you think!

Miss Bulgaria Wants to Give Her Miss U Dress to a Girl in Need, Now She Has Found Her! Find out More Here!
Source: TNPGMANetwork

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