[Amazing] 25 Situations That Tend To Be Way More Awkward Than Necessary
You know the situation. You’re in the grocery store, and you see someone that you know. You both say hi, maybe chat a bit, and then go your separate ways. They you see each other again three aisles over. Do you say hi again? Do you make a joke? Do you pretend you didn’t see them? These are 25 situations that tend to be way more awkward than necessary.
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Seeing somebody you know from far away and pretending not to see them until they are really close
Source: quora, Image: adapted from pixabay.com (public domain)
Then you have pretend you just noticed them.
Buying a plunger
Source: quora
Hey, toilets break sometimes
Source: quora
Why should we always be saying things in order to avoid awkwardness?
Accepting compliments
Source: quora
Saying thank you shouldn’t be so hard.
Listening when people sing Happy Birthday to you
Source: quora, Image: http://ift.tt/yzWgML (public domain)
Do you sing along? Do you clap? Where do you look? Should you just smile?
Talking in elevators
Source: quora, Image: pixabay.com (public domain)
For some reason, social norms dictate that we behave as though the other people on the elevator aren’t actually there.
When you get introduced to your friend’s friend and then your friend steps out for a bit
Source: quora, Image: pixabay.com (public domain)
Hopefully you’re not both introverts.
Conversations with uber/taxi drivers
Source: quora, Image: pixabay.com (public domain)
Especially when the ride is more than 20 minutes long. Either you make awkward conversation or you stare into your phone. (note: this applies mostly to introverts)
Your belly rumbling in the library
Source: quora, Image: pixabay.com (public domain)
And everyone just keeps reading (or at least these days the just keep clicking)
Explaining how you met your significant other online
Source: quora, Image: pixabay.com (public domain)
It’s getting less awkward, but it’s still pretty awkward.
Asking somebody if they can repeat something
Source: quora, Image: pixabay.com (public domain)
Especially when you’ve already asked twice.
Walking away from a yard sale without having actually bought anything
Source: quora
Especially when you were the only one there
Using public bathrooms
Source: quora, Image: pixabay.com (public domain)
Between the bodily sounds and the gaps in the door (at least in the US), it can feel like you have no privacy.
Seeing movies by yourself
Source: quora, Image: pixabay.com (public domain)
Even though it is an activity that requires little to no interaction
Telling people something embarrassing about themselves
Source: quora, Image: http://ift.tt/2iw3WtM
“Hey, you…uh…you have some uh…food in your teeth”
Answering the cashier when they ask you to donate to charity
Source: quora, Image: pixabay.com (public domain)
Even though it makes perfectly logical sense to not donate, especially when you know nothing about the charity, this still comes across as awkward.
Discussing pay with coworkers
Source: quora, Image: pixabay.com (public domain)
Even though hiding salaries doesn’t benefit anybody. Except your boss.
Asking someone for your money back
Source: quora, Image: pixabay.com (public domain)
It might just be better to not ask for it back.
Waving to somebody too early
Source: quora
And then having to slowly walk past them
Buying personal hygiene items
Source: quora
Just remember, everyone uses toilet paper. At least in the west they do.
Correcting somebody who’s been calling you by the wrong name for a while
Source: quora, Image: pixabay.com (public domain)
Sometimes you just accept it
Walking out of stores where you didn’t buy anything
Source: quora, Image: pixabay.com (public domain)
This is even more awkward in many European stores where the only exit is through the cash registers.
Saying no to things
Source: quora, Image: pixabay.com (public domain)
For some reason this never quite gets un-awkward
Making friends when you’re an adult
Source: quora, Image: pixabay.com (public domain)
Dating is already hard enough
Passing someone in a grocery store that you already said hi to
Source: quora, Image: pixabay.com (public domain)
This is possibly one of the most unnecessarily awkward situations in all of recorded human history.
Photos: 24. katoisi via wikimedia commons, 23. Maik Meid via wikimedia commons, 22. Daniel Lobo via wikimedia commons, 14. r.nial bradshaw via flickr, 11. GNOME icon artists via wikimedia commons, 7. Keith Allison via flickr, 6. jmawork via flickr