Exclusive - 15-Year-Old Girl in Critical Condition After Getting Hit by A Stray Bullet On New Year's Eve!

Despite the Department of Health and PNP's campaign to ban gun firing this holiday season, four victims of indiscriminate firing have been reported this last holiday celebration. One of them is in critical condition with 50% of her brain damaged. 

Marilyn Villanueva, the victim's mother, was taken aback with what happened. According to her, her 15-year-old daughter, Emilyn, was outside watching fireworks display near their home in Malabon City, when she suddenly fell. Little did they know that she got hit by a bullet. 

“I wish time had stood still. I wish Dec. 31 never ended. Do you want a new year to start like this?”she said in an interview last Sunday. 

“Had I known this would happen to my daughter, I would have prayed for time to stand still,” she added. 

However, the National Capital Region Police Office opposed DOH's statement by claiming that it was, in fact, not a stray bullet but a shooting incident. In a text message, they stated: “A correction on the earlier statement made by the Department of Health (DOH) on the alleged stray bullet incident that wounded the 15-year-old in Malabon who is now in critical condition. It is not a stray bullet but a shooting incident.”

Northern Police District director Senior Supt. Robert Fajardo further explained that “It was not a stray bullet. There was fighting and someone fired a gun and hit the girl,” and that the “real target was currently giving his statement to the Malabon police.”

Meanwhile, Emilyn's life remains on the edge. Health Department Spokesperson Dr. Eric Tayag said: “She needs a miracle and we need to pray for her,” 

15-Year-Old Girl in Critical Condition After Getting Hit by A Bullet In The Head!
Source: TNPinquirer
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