Exclusive - Fisherman from Russia Discovers Strange Fishes in the Deep Sea! This Will Make you Ask if Aliens do Exist!

A Russian fisherman named Roman Fedortsov, rockes the twitter world with his newly uploaded pics that will surely make you believe that aliens do exist.

For those deep sea fishermen, such creatures were just normal but since this guy is just an average kind of fisherman, he found all of or mind-blowing and very unusual.

Here are some of those alien creatures from the deep sea:

Fisherman from Russia Discovers Strange Fishes in the Deep Sea! This Will Make you Ask if Aliens do Exist!

This is a frilled shark. This eel-like sea creature has plenty of small, dangerous teeth which was also known and called as a "relic" because of its features.

Fisherman from Russia Discovers Strange Fishes in the Deep Sea! This Will Make you Ask if Aliens do Exist!

Chimaera is another unusual creature which was looks like a sea ghost. Chimaera has wing-like fins, black head, dead eyes and a tough armor skin.

Fisherman from Russia Discovers Strange Fishes in the Deep Sea! This Will Make you Ask if Aliens do Exist!

This orange colored long legged creature is a sea spider.

Fisherman from Russia Discovers Strange Fishes in the Deep Sea! This Will Make you Ask if Aliens do Exist!

All of those pictures above made you ask yourself if aliens really exist. But, take a look at more of those creatures which Fedortsov caught and posted on his twitter account.

Fisherman from Russia Discovers Strange Fishes in the Deep Sea! This Will Make you Ask if Aliens do Exist!

Fisherman from Russia Discovers Strange Fishes in the Deep Sea! This Will Make you Ask if Aliens do Exist!
Source: TNP Carbonated
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