Exclusive - Get to Know Katelyn Davis, The Girl Who Committed Suicide Live.

Katelyn Davis is now a well-known name after her live suicide act went viral.

Her previous Facebook posts indicate that she was suffering from domestic violence from her stepfather.  Her abusive stepdad molested her and her younger siblings. She also mentioned that her stepdad would always call her stupid and tell her to "just kill herself".  She also claimed that he also hits her with a belt strap with silver knuckles which made her arm bleed.

Amid all the intrigues, one of her aunts decided to speak up on the matter and let the people see a different side of Katie-- the side that they loved and knew for 12 years.

Her aunt related that Katie was actually a superbly smart and creative girl. She related that when Katie was 2 years old, she already knows how to count in both Spanish and English. She also talked about the book that Katie was able to write at a young age and how good Katie was at memorizing things, including the Lord's Prayer. She was a consistent honor roll student and was even invited to go to Washington, all due to her brilliant mind and intelligence.

Her creative side is actually a girl with a great voice who loves singing and also loves to draw.

She revealed that Katie has been suffering from depression for a long time. She has been already admitted to two facilities to address her depression. But it just worsened as time went by, which resulted in Katie being a troubled adolescent.

She defended Katie’s mom from people who commented harshly and said that she didn’t do anything to help her daughter. She recounted how Katie’s mom worried for her and made every possible way to help Katie out and make her open up.  She recounted the events that transpired prior to the suicide where Katie and her mom even exchanged “I love you’s.”

Finally, she asked for compassion and understanding and told all of the people who follow their family’s story to show their support by donating and helping people with depression.

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