Exclusive - LOOK: Jollibee Pangasinan Is Now Hiring PWDs to Be A Part of Their Workforce!

Good news to our dear PWDs out there as a Jollibee Food Franchise in Pangasinan has hire the differently abled in the hopes of giving them equal opportunities for a fulfilling life. 

According to a report by Sunstar, the franchise owner and the city government worked together to sign a memorandum of agreement on January 16, 2017 to mandate the hiring of persons with disabilities, especially the deaf and mute. They will be part of the workforce of the Dagupan Muliti-Bee Corporation.

“We signed a partnership with the City to give the deaf/mute an equal opportunity to earn a living,” said Reagan Lim, managing director of the Dagupan Multi-Bee Corporation.

As of this writing, they are already hiring PWDs to do cleaning jobs like dishwashing and floor cleaning. The company plans to hire more people if the project proves successful. These PWDs will be receiving the same salary as regular Jollibee employees.

LOOK: Jollibee Pangasinan Is Now Hiring PWDs to Be A Part of Their Workforce!
Source: TNPkickerdaily
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