Exclusive - This British Girl Was A Sex Slave For 13 Years And She Talked About Her Horrible Experiences!

A former British sex slave shared her unfortunate experience of being raped 13 years in a newly-released book.

Anna Ruston, not her real name, published her book "Secret Slave"  which narrated her experiences from when she was 15 years old and sold to a Pakistani taxi driver named "Malik." Her consultant said that writing about her experience will help her heal the wounds.

Ruston said that at first, Malik was nice to her at first, and he even invited her to his home to introduce her to his parents. However, after that, she was not able to leave his home and he began to constantly rape her. That was one of the first of the 13 years of abuse she experienced from the supposed friend.

She was raped every day by Malik and by other guys. She was even impregnated and she had a baby four times but they were all given away. She has no knowledge of the whereabouts of her babies until today. 

With the help of a health worker who visited her when she was sick, she was able to escape Malik.

Ruston said that she is still having flashbacks of the room where she was raped.

Currently, Ruston is living with a childhood friend.
Source: TNP KickerDaily

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