Exclusive - Xia Vigor's Mom Hits Back at Piers Morgan Who Said That Xia's Performance Is Creepy And Sexualised! Watch This!

After watching Xia Vigor's performing Taylor Swift's "You Belong With Me" in ABS-CBN's "Your Face Sounds Familiar Kids," British personality Piers Morgan made a very strong statement. He made it very clear that he found the whole performance, which had gone viral to the point of being discussed on British TV, "creepy."

"It's one of the creepiest things I've ever watched." Morgan said. "It's not good. The whole sexualisation of young girls like this, I don't like it at all I'm afraid, and this is my withering verdict."

"Everyone is saying 'Oh it's so cute'... it's not cute. Don't like it. It just means that millions of young girls are going to be slapping on makeup and lipstick and all that. It's not right."

On Jan 19, Christy Vigor, mother of Xia, answered with an equally cutting statement of her own.  When asked by a British morning show about her reaction to Morgan's criticism, she replied:  "He should know his facts first... I thought he'd be more intelligent than that. As a mother I would not put my child in a position where she would be sexualised... [the programme] is for children." She also called Morgan judgmental. 

Xia then joined her mother in the interview. As of writing, the viral video has more than 6 million views on Youtube.

Source: TNP , ABS-CBN

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