Viral Now - The 3 Primary Reasons Why You Need to Pay Taxes

Taxes that we are obliged to pay monthly, quarterly and annually often come to us as a burden, yet it is better to pay appropriately than to have back taxes, which will haunt us. Taxes have been in existence for thousands of years and will forever remain as long as we have a civilization. Indeed, paying tax is a burden we all must live with, however, it is also pertinent to take into consideration that taxes and other forms of indemnity imposed by the government play a crucial role toward the progress of humanity. Therefore, it will only make sense to follow through with the obligation of paying taxes.

There are so many different types of taxes, but some of the common ones are value added tax, income tax, back taxes and a lot more. Many people have questioned why they need to pay taxes, while others just don’t care about what tax gives them in return.

This article will explain to you what tax services are about and why it is important to pay your taxes appropriately:

1. Social Welfare Pack

Social welfare and social security are one of the greatest benefits the less privilege, homeless and those in need enjoy without having to pay back. Taxes over the years have been used to fund social welfare packages, which are important to humanity, especially the needy. Social welfare packages are a must in a sane society and without taxes, it would not be possible to render such services. Government over the years have used proceeds from taxes to build health services and other institutions beneficial to humanity, thereby laying a better foundation for the future generation. Therefore, proceeds from taxes go a long way to improve the standard of living in a society.

2. Sustain Government

A tax irrespective of its name is another life source of government sustenance. No government can sustain itself without tax. Tax money goes a long way in funding government programs, which are needed to keep a government alive. There is no government in the world today that does not collect tax in one way or another, and the reason is to sustain itself.

Because taxes are the life source of a nation, we should be patriotic to this life source in order to keep the nation functioning. That said, tax is essential to help the government give us protection, build better roads and bridges, institutions and provide social infrastructures.

3. Avoid Tax Back

When being confronted with back taxes we owe the government, we often think of ways to cut back on it. Well, most tax laws understand the hardships of every taxpayer. Though, tax services are available for those who are delinquent in paying their taxes, which is a helpful opportunity to people who don’t have available money or funds.

But, why hassle you to resolve defaulting tax duties? Paying taxes will save you from the wasted time and energy of being called in to pay or even jail time for not paying taxes.


In view of the above, tax services should be reformed to make it more flexible to directly reduce defaulters and tax back. It is also important to know that paying our taxes makes us better citizens, helping build a stronger nation for its citizens and the future generation that will follow. Though tax evasion is considered unlawful, there are means which can be followed in order to resolve such acts without having to get to court. However, a stitch in time saves nine.

What are your thoughts? Do you believe taxes are beneficial to society or not? Leave a comment.

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