Viral Now - 3 Routes to Consider After College

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For many people, graduating college is the first time in their life where they have no set direction to take. Most people are born, they start school at an incredibly young age and they know that they will probably be in school until they are eighteen. Throughout high school they are advised to go to college and many parents will try to push their kids to specific colleges (typically colleges the parents went to).

Education is good and having guidance is great, but it often leaves people lost when they graduate from a university and suddenly there is no more predetermined standard way to go about life. There are millions of directions that could all be taken, and each leads to a drastically different path. Here are five directions to consider, and where they might lead.


Being an entrepreneur is hardly ever easy, especially in the beginning. It takes a very specific kind of person. However, when an entrepreneurial person starts down this path, they tend to never be able to work a regular job again.

An entrepreneurial life tends to be all about making connections. Sure, you have to have good ideas and be good at something, but everyone tends to be good at something and have a few good ideas in their life. Entrepreneurs are people that talk to everyone they meet, make connections, and use the connections throughout their life.

Their day-to-day is almost always different and they rarely have stability in income. Some people love it, while others cannot stand it. Entrepreneur magazine has a pretty good test to take to see if you would make a good entrepreneur.

Secondary degree

For some people a bachelor just simply isn’t enough. They either want to learn more, or have a better resume down the road. This type of person will often choose a secondary degree, like a master’s degree.

One of the common misconceptions about secondary degrees is the idea that you will have to get this in the same field your bachelor’s degree was in. This couldn’t be further from the truth. In fact, if you are unhappy with where your bachelor took you, a secondary degree is a great place to start. It can be daunting to get started on deciding how to go about this and where to go. You can find a pretty good resource here for helping you see what schools you would be able to qualify for based on your situation.


For many people, graduating from college is their first chance at true freedom. Rather than jump straight into a job, marriage, or family, they choose instead do spend some time seeing the world and meeting people. This is not a bad route and often leads to incredible memories.

If you do not have any commitments straight out of college then this may be a great route to consider. When people are at the end of their lives they often report that they regret not traveling more. The world is an incredible, diverse place and to only see a small part of it during your entire lifetime is a travesty.

This option does not have to be expensive either. There are plenty of great ways that young single travelers can use to travel the globe at steep discounts. Use resources like The Points Guy to get good travel deals and stay in hostels when you can. You could spend a month traveling the world for just a few thousand dollars if everything is researched and budged correctly.

The thing to remember with all of these is that there is no right answer. Choose what is right for you and what will make your life better in the long run. Don’t let anyone choose for you and don’t look back once you decide!

The post 3 Routes to Consider After College appeared first on Lifehack.

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