Viral Now - 7 Ways Experts Ensure a World-Class Morning Routine
Morning routines of the world’s most successful people have been studied time and time again, as if it is the secret blueprint to all wealth and happiness one could ever want. While those are high shooting ambitions, it can certainly be attributed that morning routines have an insanely high impact on our functionality throughout the day. Starting the day off right, whatever that may be for you, is going to be the difference between yelling in traffic or dancing to the new Beyonce jam playing on the radio.
I am not one to know, but I can imagine even Beyonce has a systematic approach to her mornings.
Morning routines have been highlighted for good reason. With a simple search on Google, tips and tricks can be found all across the web. Unfortunately, they are tips and tricks for someone else, and it leaves you wondering what works for you, testing various strategies and ultimately going back to the alarm hammering mornings we know so well from Hollywood movies.
There is indeed one takeaway worth capturing, though; a universal trait. Something applicable to the stars, the hard working college student, or anyone, really. It doesn’t matter who you are, what you do in the morning, or what you do in the day. This is the one thing that is present in the lives of everyone kicking butt in their day.
They start the day in control.
There is no perfect habit, as each individual has a different makeup, different sciences, and different experiences that have shaped us.
We all know this. This is nothing new.
So how do you find what might work for you?
We have established that the world’s most successful leaders start each day in control. But for those who are curious, this is because to start the day in a hurry or on your phone is on another person’s terms. Reading a text, flipping through sports, being late, or starting rushed means all of your first movements are at someone else’s beck and call. Your mind is not calm, and you have hardly laid a foundation for yourself.
We can all try to be Superman or Superwoman, but nobody is the exception. Protect your morning; fight the notifications or the urge to sleep late.
Based on research from some of the world’s top leaders, such as Mark Zuckerberg, Tim Ferriss, Ezra Klein, and much more, these are the seven most critical items you can add to your morning routine.
1. Wake up early
World leaders say it helps you accomplish what you want before the world gets going. There is always a distraction in the evening, but you can own your morning.
2. Sleep with your phone on airplane mode
Texts, news alerts, sports updates, and emails are draining and start your day on someone else’s time. Shutting things off lets you be in control of your day.
3. Meditate
Many executives cannot go without meditation as it grants focus, control, and poise for the entire day.
4. Read
The morning is when we are most focused. Executives everywhere see this as their chance to hone some skills and always continue growing.
5. Go to the Gym
Exercising, whether you go to the gym or work out at home, releases endorphins, keeps you healthy, and gives you engergy, guaranteeing a good start to the day.
6. Take a Cold Shower
Experts say this chilling experience will help you start your day feeling like a champion. Additionally, there are many benefits to going cold.
7. Write
Authors and influencers say this is their only time to capture their purest thoughts of the day.
If you are curious how you can fit all of this in before work at 9:00 AM, remember that you don’t have to do all of them. Pick one, two, or as many as you want, but give it a try!
The post 7 Ways Experts Ensure a World-Class Morning Routine appeared first on Lifehack.