Exclusive - Beat Varicose Veins With this Amazing Natural Remedy
Varicose veins can be a problem for women who are very conscious about the way they look. And it's understandable that women try their best to hide them if they have any.
The bluish, swollen veins which can be usually seen on the thighs or the calves can be a big problem for some people's self-confidence.
According to NHS Choices, UK, varicose veins "are swollen and enlarged veins – usually blue or dark purple – that usually occur on the legs. They may also be lumpy, bulging or twisted in appearance."
NHS choices also made a list of symptoms of varicose veins. Some of them include aching/sore legs that feel heavy, swelling of ankles and feet, cramps, and the drying of the skin. They also cause affected parts of the skin to change color.
They can cause serious aches and, lets admit it- they are also not exactly easy on the eyes. Treatment for them can be expensive depending on where you go for consultations.
But did you know that there are natural alternatives in beating those varicose veins?
This article is about one of them.
It turns out that tomatoes are actually effective in healing varicose veins. They have flavonoids that strengthen the walls of blood vessels and are known as effective anti-coagulants, which helps dilute blood.
Try following this very simple remedy using tomatoes:
1. Get green tomatoes and wash them.
2. Cut them into circular slices (resembling rings).
3. Apply tomatoes on the nodes and network of vein capillary.
4. Set them with bandages
5. Leave the tomato slices on until you get a tingling sensation in the areas where you applied them
6. Take them off once you feel a burning sensation
7. Wash the affected area with cold water
After two weeks, you are sure to notice positive results.
Source: TNP , Artikulohealthnews