Exclusive - Find Great Use of Your Apple Cider Vinegar at Home Through These Simple Methods To Dissolve Kidney Stones!

The kidneys are considered to be among the most vital human organs. Kidneys rid our body of impurities and keeps our bodies clean. However, when the kidney is in a bad shape, kidney stones form. The unprocessed minerals in the body build up and crystallize, causing blockage in the urine flow. These hard masses composed of minerals and acid salts from concentrated crystals can be painful.

Fortunately, treatment has been made easy with the use of Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV). Apple is believed to be highly effective in dissolving kidney stones. It is formed from apple fermentation and normally serves a purpose in skin treatment and other ailments.

Check out these four effective methods by Artikulo Health News in treating kidney stones!

1. Apple Cider Vinegar with water
Simply mix 2 tablespoons of ACV with about 6 to 8 ounces of clean drinkable water. Drink the mix before meals and all throughout the day for faster results. Additionally, continue drinking the mixture once or twice a week even if the stones have already passed to prevent stones from forming again.

2. Apple Cider with Honey
Create a mixture using a teaspoon of ACV and 2 teaspoons of honey. Raw honey is suggested. Take in the mixture frequently throughout the entire day. Continue usage until kidney stones pass.

3. Apple Cider with Poultice
To get relief from the pain brought by kidney stones, start by heating ACV and water in a pan. Make sure that the quantities of both ingredients are equal. Wait until the mixture turns warm. Next, soak a clean cloth in the mixture. Wring the cloth so that the excess water will be removed. Then,o this at least twice a day to experience relief.

4. Apple Cider with Baking Soda
Kidney stones are brought about by acid. Baking soda, on the other hand, has substances that help remove the acid

Create a mixture of 1 ounce of ACV and half teaspoon baking soda mixed in a large glass of hot water. Wait until the mixture stops from fizzing before taking gradual amounts in 30 minutes. Do this thrice a day until the kidney stones pass. Adding a little amount of honey could also help better. 

Note: For best results use raw, organic, unfiltered, unpasteurized ACV with extra virgin oil

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