Exclusive - A Man Donates A Wedding Dress And The Special Note With It will Surely Melt Your Hearts!

Marriage is one of the most special and precious events in a woman's life. As they say, every girl dreams of a perfect wedding and a bountiful married life full of love.

This may be the kind of married life this man from England experienced when he did something that truly warmed the heart of many people. 

This old man showed that the love he experienced from his own wife is something he wanted to share and something he wanted others to experience as well.

Staff members working at the St. Gemma's Hospice Charity in Leeds, England were shocked when their small charity became the talk of the town after an unidentified man donated a white wedding dress to them. 

The 1950's wedding gown still looked as beautiful and elegant as the day it was worn. 

 A Man Donates A Wedding Dress And The Special Note With It will Surely Melt Your Hearts!

Aside from its physical appearance, there was another thing special about it. The dress came with a note from its donor that warmed the heart of many netizens when its contents went viral.

The note said: " wish any lady who takes this dress to have a life with her loved one. 56 Years like I did. Happy years. I was a lucky man to marry a lady like mine.”

 A Man Donates A Wedding Dress And The Special Note With It will Surely Melt Your Hearts!

Netizens were overwhelmed by the kind of love that the note contained. 

The charity then formed a team whose aims were to search for the man who donated the wedding gown. They are still trying to look for the man behind the note that made many people believe in true love once again.

Moreover, the charity also asked for a volunteer who would wear the wedding gown. They took photos of it being worn and posted them social media in the hopes that someone would recognize it.

 A Man Donates A Wedding Dress And The Special Note With It will Surely Melt Your Hearts!

 A Man Donates A Wedding Dress And The Special Note With It will Surely Melt Your Hearts!

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Source: TNPshareably
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