Exclusive - They Thought It Was Just An Ordinary Scenery In The Sea Until This Happens! Watch This!
No matter how hard we try to control the world we live in, nature will always be beyond us. Many of its phenomena still remain as mysteries and are yet to be explained. This is the exact reason why this odd scenery went viral across social media.
The scene is believed to be a waterspout. A waterspout is a columnar vortex which usually appears as a funnel-shaped cloud that occurs at a body of water. They are often connected to a cumuliform or cumulonimbus clouds. In other words, it is a non-supercell tornado occurring over water. They might look very intense, but compared to its land counterparts and other tornadoes, they are actually less intense and destructive.
Contrary to how it looks, they aren't sucking up any water, but are actually composed of thick air rotating rapidly over water. Anything stronger than these isn't considered a waterspout anymore. Depending on its strength, it can be categorized to either mesocyclones or a tropical storm which can suck up water and move great distances.
The waterspout caught in the camera was described by some netizens as beautiful but scary. It garnered 9.8 thousand reactions as of this writing and over 1 thousand shares.
Watch it below: