
Exclusive - This Man Unexpectedly Became A Modern Hero After Doing This to a Pregnant Woman Who Got Into a Car Accident! Watch This!

Real-life superheroes, unlike their comics counterparts, don't own any secret caves, spandex costumes or high tech headquarters. As a matter of fact, they can appear in the most mundane of locations, like a busy street.

Take for example, this passerby named Keith Ezzel. He was rushing to work when he noticed a car accident which involved a pregnant woman. 

Without any hesitation or second thoughts, he rushed to the pregnant woman and administered CPR

Moments later, the woman regained a pulse and was able to escape from a tragic death. 

People who witnessed, applauded and were all praises for Keith. If it wasn't for his quick response, two lives might have been lost. 

Source: TNPwereblog
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