Exclusive - This Netizen Shares 'The Most Heartbreaking Truth About Breaking Up' MUST READ!

It is really true what the song says: "breaking up is hard to do". But you have to endure the pain and let it go. At the end of the day, we can't push things that aren't meant to be.

Pain will always be present in every separation. There are no shortcuts to moving on, it's a process that is surely full of late-night crying and drunk texting.

Netizen Claire Pats posted a series of conversation screenshots on Facebook showing the 'most heartbreaking truth about breaking up.' 

Pats shared a real-life story of a friend of hers.

The messages all came from the guy who broke up with his girlfriend because he had fallen out of love. He started off by apologizing and assuring the girl (Cess) that it's all his fault, that the blame should solely be on him.

He said sorry for all the promises he broke and the ones he couldn't keep any longer. He recalled that he vowed to never get tired of the girl but he eventually did.

Also, he fell in love with another girl. With that, the guy reminded Cess that it wasn't the other girl's fault but also his for pursuing another even while in a relationship.

At the last part of the messages, he apologized for the nth time and bid goodbye to his now ex-girlfriend.



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