Exclusive - You Won't Believe Just How Strong This 101-Year-Old Woman Is For Her Disabled Son!

They say there is no greater love than a mother's. They carry you for nine months in their womb, then they painstakingly deliver you into this world. 

A mother's job isn't done after that, however. Mothers are usually our first and most important teachers. They impart priceless wisdom that will shape our future. 

Many of them willingly sacrifice their goals and dreams just for their children to be able to reach theirs. They are the ones who will stand by you no matter what, embodying the exact definition of unconditional love.  

Melia is exactly like that to her disabled son, Abdul. She perseveres in taking care of her son. What's even more amazing is she is already 101 years old and her son is already 63. 

You Won't Believe Just How Strong This 101-Year-Old Woman Is For Her Disabled Son!

Melia has been a widow for 20 years now. Since then she took on the heavy parental responsibilities wholeheartedly and without hesitation.  

You Won't Believe Just How Strong This 101-Year-Old Woman Is For Her Disabled Son!

Despite living a poor life, she manages with what she has and tries to provide the best kind of life for her son, even if it is not much.  

You Won't Believe Just How Strong This 101-Year-Old Woman Is For Her Disabled Son!

No matter how unfortunate their life may seem, Melia continues to pray for a good and long life that will allow her to take care of her son and provide everything that her son needs.  

How does this heartwarming story make you feel? Visit the comments section and let it all out!
Source: TNP , Kami

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