Exclusive - Yam Concepcion Made Her Own Version Of Eraserhead’s Spolarium And It Went Viral. Why? Watch This!

Spolarium, which is popularized by the band Eraserheads, is one of the most known songs by many Filipinos. It is what people are singing through their karaoke. Many netizens have already made their cover version of the song and uploaded it in their different social media platforms.

Actress and TV personality Yam Concepcion is one of those who attempted to make her own version of the song. This time, Yam made her video viral as it contained simple but extraordinary mix of beauty and talent.

At the beginning of the video, Yam apologized for her puffy eyes as she just woke up when she decided to film herself singing the song. Yam made her video in her simple room while wearing her sleeping dress. She also added a twist as she used a ukulele guitar as her musical accompaniment.

Many netizens were stunned with her simple performance which is now making its round robin around social media sites.

Meanwhile, her fans and her supporters are primarily the tool why her video escalated on the trending list quickly.

Source: TNP, Youtube

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