Trending Now - 20+ Tiny Trump Photos That Will Annoy The President Bigly
There’s a new subreddit page called “Tiny Trumps” and we have a feeling that the President is not going to like it.
The rules are simple: “[it’s] a subreddit for photos of the 45th President, where Trump is roughly 2 feet tall. What not to post: Photos of a normal sized trump.” While the trumps are tiny, the newly founded subreddit is a YUGE success.
It already has over 24,000 followers, and the photos have reached the front pages of most major websites.
Tiny Trumps meeting with Obama, after being elected
Image credits: Chop_Artista
Trump needs help with his tie
Image credits: flashxS
Tiny Trump next to the Secret Service
Image credits: Simon_the_Cannibal
The Tiny Eagle has landed
Image credits: misterbunnymuffins
Signing off a small measure
Image credits: Chop_Artista
Pence is so proud that Tiny Trump is behaving himself for once. He might even take him for ice cream as a reward
Image credits: Smelly_Jim
Big Boy by Pia Guerra
Image credits: WhimsyUU
It’s a good day for mini golf
Image credits: zero_sum
Tiny Trump and Trudeau
Image credits: SpagNMeatball
Tiny Trump meeting Trudeau
Image credits: MangoStrudel
Careful down those big steps Mr. President
Image credits: KrystalKaramel
Look, he’s a big boy
Image credits: Agoo
Little Trump’s big press conference
Image credits: paloaltotomexico
Stay in the lines, Mr. President
Image credits: hardminute
Yuge hands
Image credits: AlfredKnows
Bunny ears
Image credits: Chop_Artista
Tiny Trump welcoming Mr. Canada
Image credits: Affen_Brot
Honey I shrunk the President
Image credits: Chop_Artista
An adorable Trump
Image credits: -ayli-
Nice drawing Trump!
Image credits: enzait
Looks like Time Magazine is on the Tiny Trump trend with their newest issue
Image credits: coyote_lost
Aww, he can’t reach it
Image credits: misterbunnymuffins
Are they being mean to you, baby? I know
Image credits: slettebak
POTUS on a stroll with his daughter
Image credits: mycotopia2
“Good Trumpy” – Putin
Image credits: shm0edawg
Trump on his throne
Image credits: LeonPerniciaro
Can I sit at the big boy table now? Not now Donnie, the grownups are busy
Image credits: hungryk
What a strong handshake you have little fellow!
Image credits: popsomoa
Trump & Barry on vacation
Image credits: machmothetrumpeteer
All the US Presidents
Image credits: digitron
All the US Presidents
Image credits: digitron
Not very yuge
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Trump with the grandkids
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