Viral Now - How To Go Through College And Stay Sane

College can be a hard time. It’s when you are coming of age, preparing yourself to lead a life that is independent, unique, and challenging. I know how stressful these times are, and they are indeed very tough and very demanding. However, it does not have to be all black and white, and there are shades in between, as these struggles make all of us stronger.

Here is a list to help both you and me to stay sane, especially during times of distress and upheaval. College doesn’t have to be all that bad. Let us see what we can do to feel more in control.

1. Stay organized

Arrange your books in a way that goes by the day you need them. You won’t have class every day; you might have a class that meets an hour on Monday and Wednesday, or one that meets Tuesday only. If you don’t need a book that day, leave it at home, and don’t bring undue stress to yourself.

2. Eat your meals

Eat your meals. Some college students can’t squeeze in time to eat. This is a no. You need your energy to stay focused and do your work. Others just skip for reasons unknown. The main point is to eat.

3. Never stay up late

You need sleep to function. After a few days you don’t sleep, you will be less attentive, and you will be distracted in class. You may catch yourself having less physical energy and indigestion. Don’t hurt yourself! Go to sleep to wake up feeling refreshed and charged to tackle the morning.

4. Don’t forget to shower

Shower. College students are so deprived of sleep and eating that they don’t even have time to shower. Remember to squeeze in time to keep your body clean. The more you keep yourself healthy – the better your body and mind will perform. A hot shower can release oxytocin, which is a feel-good hormone.

5. Don’t go to class wearing clothes you’d wear at home

Many students go to class, and don’t change their clothes. You can see them in their pajamas, and that is just not right. You want to be professional and be taken seriously. This forms a habit. When you change your clothes, you’ll feel better and confidently stand in class.

6. It’s not all about class

Class is a medium through which you learn. You have the opportunity to learn material on your own too. If you feel down, you can view the professor’s posts online and catch up. Don’t fear. There are other things to do in life as well, and if things come up, it isn’t the end of the world. You can pass and even get an A. It’s pretty normal to see students skipping once in a while.

Don’t do it often because you still want to grasp the material. Don’t make this a habit, as you then might just stop going, and that is never a good thing. You are paying, so don’t waste your money and time. You can learn and enjoy!

7. Be proud of all your accomplishments

Whatever grade you get, be proud of your hard work. Sometimes we won’t get that A we hoped for, or that B. You might get a C, but know that it’s college, and this is not an easy feat. It’s hard to get grades higher than a C – college level is C, so that means you are doing your work efficiently. If you find that you are slacking in a class, you always have the option to withdraw, or buck up and try harder to boost your grade.

Your grade is at your disposal, meaning you have it, and can access it any given time. You see where you stand and where improvements can happen.

Stress can be overwhelming. I’m one to talk. I talk but stress all the time. I get anxious at the smallest things. However, as I’m growing older, I am learning that stress isn’t good. It makes us less productive. So, let it settle, and do the best you can in college (and in life for that matter).

Featured photo credit: Jeremy Bishop via

The post How To Go Through College And Stay Sane appeared first on Lifehack.

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