Exclusive - This Bride's Father Died Before She Got Married. What Happens on Her Wedding Day Will Truly Warm Your Heart!

Weddings are important milestones for everyone, especially for the couple getting married. 

One of the most touching moments, particularly in patriarchal societies, is when the bride's father gives her away to her soon-to-be husband. 

Unfortunately for some women, they don’t get to experience being given away by their fathers because of unforeseen circumstances. One woman in particular, who was unable to see her father on her big day, shared her experience online.

Andrea, the soon-to-be bride, lost her father, Mark, to cancer before she got married. It was painful for the entire family but tragic event affected Andrea the most. 

As the day of her wedding approached, Andrea couldn’t help but feel sadness despite such a joyous day. Without her father to comfort her, the wedding seemed empty. She dreamed of having her first dance as a married woman with her father but, because of his sudden death, her hopes were dashed. 

However, Andrea also shares a special bond with other members of her family, particularly her brothers. One of them, Andrew, prepared something special for his sister’s special day. 

After the ceremony, everyone was surprised when Andrew took the mic and started singing for Andrea. It turns out that he made a song dedicated to her and their father. One by one, all the special women in her life approached her to give her a special dance. 

This just goes to show that, despite losing loved ones, other people will still be there for you. 

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Source: TNP, Newsner

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