Exclusive - This Man's Marriage Proposal Turned into a Disaster but the Crowd's Reaction Made It Worse!

Marriage proposals are supposed to be magical and memorable. Although nerve-wracking, they are often sweet and special. Proposals are once-in-a-lifetime moments that are forever engraved in a couple's mind, cherished forever.

If the preparation goes right, no women would ever say no. Unfortunately, that is not always the case.

In a video circulating on Facebook, one proposal turned out differently than what was expected. 

Dressed in a blue suit, the man boldly popped the question in public.

Eager to be part of the commotion, mall-goers circled around the proposal. Everyone stood near as they pulled out their phones to capture the big event.

"Baby, you mean everything to me. These past four years have been the greatest years of my life. I've been waiting for this moment. I'm finally here and I'm happy. I'm ready to make you mine. I just have one question... Will you marry me?" the man announced.

Unfortunately, what happened next was unfortunate and unexpected. Even worse, the crowd's reaction made it worse as many of the onlookers began laughing.

Apparently, Prettyboyfredo uploaded the incident on Youtube and claimed it was a prank to see how the crowd would react.

"There were a lot of people laughing and not many people helpful of someone who had gotten rejected," he wrote.

"We encourage all... to help someone when they have fallen down. Rather than kick them while their [sic] already down," he added.

Watch the video below and share your thoughts with us in the comments section!
Source: TNP , YouTube

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