Exclusive - This Street Child Who Was Adopted by Policemen and Lived in a Police Station is Now a Certified Graduate!

Policemen are always there to serve the public and protect them in various crimes that could endanger their property and lives. However, no one would expect that they can also stand as a stray kid's second parents. This amazing story proved that the public could always count on these crime fighters. 

Jommy Arieta is proud to have the policemen in Boston, Davao Oriental as a major part of his journey. PO2 Eric Silagan is not his father but the policeman pinned his graduation medal and celebrated his graduation ceremony with him.

This is because Jommy was a street kid who found his home in the Boston Police Station. Jommy was once living on the streets but when the Boston police found our that he was only sleeping along the roads and was an orphan, they offered the police station as shelter. 

According to a report by GMA News, Jommy was abandoned by his mother when his father died. By then, he was only 8 years old. He did not have any choice but to be a stray until the policemen adopted him. He even had to repeat Grade 5 because he did not have any direction in life during those times. Fortunately, the Boston Police station opened its doors to him. 

The authorities sent him to Boston Central Elementary School and even helped him in all of his school work. The Boston police helped him with his education and now that he has graduated, no one can be more proud of him than these public servants.

P/Sr. Insp. Gerardo Seno Locaylocay shared that the policemen in their station took turns in attending Jommy's school activities and events. Mrs. Lorna Monsarate, one of Jommy's teachers said that the kid no longer skip his classes since he stayed in the police station.

Because of the love he witnessed and felt while living in the police station, it is no wonder that Jommy dreams of becoming a policeman himself.

Whatever Jommy will achieve in his life is considered as the Boston Police Station's achievements as well.

Watch the full report here:

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Source: TNPrachfeed

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