[Shocking] Bizarre Little 'Alien Creature' Caught Walking On A Park

What's the chance of finding alien creatures walking among us? It's easier to find unidentified flying objects hovering in the skies every now and then than actual extraterrestrials/inter-dimensional creatures taking strolls in public places.

Some people claim to have photographed evidence of such creatures, and most of they say it was by accident as it was noticed only after the revealing of the picture.

Bizarre Little 'Alien Creature' Caught Walking On A Park

We can find photos of all sort of strange creatures in the most peculiar places. The thing about these photos, is that most of the time it's so blurred for us to be sure it's actually a living being sitting there or just a photographic error, other times it could be just a good old photoshop work.

But recently, a photo of a small alien walking in a park went viral. The photo is quite old, taken in 2004, yet still amazing if it's not an Hoax.

Watch the following video to know more!

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