Exclusive - Do You Believe in Miracles? An 'Angel' Was Caught on CCTV Saving a Dying Girl!

God. Angels. Miracles. Do you believe in them? People look for miracles everyday, but what do they really look like?

Back in 2008, a family was fighting for the life of young Chelsea Banton who was on the brink of death when the “impossible” happened.

Do You Believe in Miracles? An 'Angel' Was Caught on CCTV Saving a Dying Girl!

This is Chelsea, a person who, at just 14 years old, has already been through a lot. 

Chelsea was born prematurely with some developmental disabilities. She was in-and-out of the hospital for pneumonia, potentially lethal viral infections, shunt revisions in the skull, fluid retention, and hydrocephalus. 

When she got pneumonia once again, her fragile life was left hanging by a thread.

After seven long weeks in the hospital on life support, her mother, Colleen, decided that it was time to let go and let her daughter be free.

She said, “And I really felt like I had her for 14 years, and if it’s time for her to go to heaven, then I know she’ll be healed.”

But something miraculous happened, the nurse called Colleen and showed her the CCTV footage.

“there was this bright light… Oh, my goodness! It looks like an angel!”, she exclaimed.

Whether the angel was there to take her or to save her, Colleen said that she was ready.

Her mother took a picture of the CCTV footage.

Do You Believe in Miracles? An 'Angel' Was Caught on CCTV Saving a Dying Girl!

Crediting the so-called "angel" in the picture, the family believe that it was a miracle as Chelsea came out alive. They celebrated her 15th birthday on Christmas.



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