Exclusive - Father from Dipolog City Wanted for Rap3 and Murder of Own Daughter!

Nowadays, we are no longer sure on where we can be safe as even from home, danger could be waiting to attack us. We cannot say when will this danger will attack and who will be the one to deliver it.

On a recent news item circulating in social media, a girl in Dipolog City faced her death under her own father’s hands. A student in Dipolog City was rap3d and killed by her father, Albert Rey Paz in their house. The 26-year old girl was killed on April 7.

Father from Dipolog City Wanted for Rap3 and Murder of Own Daughter!

It was said that the fresh graduate was rap3d first before her father mercilessly killed her. She was also able to go out and seek help from her neighbors but her father still went to follow her and that is where she died. The incident happened around 10:00 PM and it was reported she was assaulted 33 times.

Father from Dipolog City Wanted for Rap3 and Murder of Own Daughter!

The mother of the 16- year-old, Mary Grace Capa, is an OFW and was in Dubai when the murder happened.  The mother was working hard abroad in order to provide her daughter a wealthy life, but this was ended by her merciless husband.

The family of the victim is now grieving for her death and various posts in social media are already spreading. Netizens are furious about what happened and negative reactions about what the father has done are already circulating. Many are seeking for Human Rights Cases and for justice for the young lady. Surely, there could have been a bright future for the victim if the incident did not happen.

What can you say about what happened? Tell us through the comments section!
Source: TNP, Facebook

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