Exclusive - The Reason Why Babies in the Arms of a Beggar Are Always Asleep Will Shock You!

You’ve probably seen beggars on the street asking for alms or spare change. The most common ones you’ll see are either children aged 3 to 16 or mothers carrying a baby with them. The odd thing is that despite the heat and hunger these babies must be experiencing, you rarely see them cry. 

In fact, they are almost always asleep in their mother’s arms. 
One might think that maybe the babies are exhausted from the heat and the lack of a comfortable place which causes them to always feel drowsy. Unfortunately, there is a terrible reason behind this kind of incident. 

An unknown author posted photos of a beggar mom whom he always sees near the metro station. The mother always brings her baby along with her. The weird thing is that the baby is asleep every day. Now, we all know that babies easily cry when their sleep is disturbed. This particular child, however, seems to be unfazed by all the noise around him. 

The Reason Why Babies in the Arms of a Beggar Are Always Asleep Will Shock You!

The author decided to approach the lady in order to ask her why her child is always asleep. The woman refused to respond to him. Thinking that she wasn’t able to hear him, he decided to ask her a second time. This time, the woman got angry at him.

The Reason Why Babies in the Arms of a Beggar Are Always Asleep Will Shock You!

This routine went on for an entire month. The author immediately thought that this is a scam which is why he refused to give her money and even food. 

Finally, he decided that enough was enough. Due to his intense curiosity, he finally had the guts to ask one of his friends who is a gypsy. He wanted to know whether he knew about this mother and child or not and why the baby was always asleep.

According to his friend, this is a common scam that involves the mom forcing the baby to take drugs or drink alcohol so that the child would remain asleep and make begging easier for the mother. 
Because of the amount of drugs and alcohol ingested by their tiny bodies, these babies usually end up dying. 

What do you think should be done to this kind of scam? Share your thoughts with us in the comments section below! 
Source: TNPKami

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