Exclusive - This Drunk Old Asian Man Asks This American Man For S*x Inside a Train!

This unusual story was shared by netizen Joe DeMarini on Facebook. He posted about how he was hit on by an old drunk Asian man

Here’s Joe:

This Drunk Old Asian Man Asks This American Man For S*x Inside a Train!

“For those of you that don't know: I'm not gay (not that it should matter). However, I don't exactly fit the "masculine" mold of society, so oftentimes I am mistaken as queer--on several occasions around the world, for example, I've caught flak for carrying a 'man purse,'” wrote Joe.

Put yourself in his shoes for a second and just imagine if a man like this…

said these words: "I know you're gay, so let's f**k."

Watch the full video here: 

Wow… just. Wow.

Joe explained his plight saying:

“For those asking "Why didn't you fight back or call the police?" I say, "I am a white immigrant in a country where I do not have citizenship and am a minority--law enforcement may not take my side, despite video and photo evidence." This is something I learned while living in South Korea, where no amount of assimilation will protect you when a Korean is arguing against you. In this situation, there's a chance I would've been accused of inciting violence, and been charged accordingly.”

Whether you’re straight, gay, or anything in between, sexual assault is something that no one deserves. Ever.

Read Joe's full post here: 

This Drunk Old Asian Man Asks This American Man For S*x Inside a Train!


Netizens showed their support for the expat:

“I'm surprised more people didn't stand up for you and that the two who did were foreigners/expats. Must suck not being able to get the police involved when you're 100% in the right. Hope it all gets better!”
- Olive Chen

“S**t, I'm sorry this happened, Joe. All of your thoughts and feelings on the experience are perfectly valid, and we're all here to support you. Keep on doin' your thing!”
- Ashley Weston Zemborain

“Hey Joe! I'm really sorry to hear you went through that. No one should have to deal with assault or sexual harassment and fear it happening because of what you like to wear or carry your stuff in. Glad a few people stood up for you and that you have proof should you ever need it. Don't ever feel that it's also partially your fault because of what cabin you chose to sit it or something else like that. It was all that guy. He's a bad person. You keep wearing whatever you're comfortable in and living your life! Just know that you're surrounded by a community of good people all around the world supporting you.”
- Katerina Lisitsa

“Holy crap, I'm both amazed you had the patience and graciousness to not retaliate and to remain calm AND the fact that this happened in the first place. You handled the situation the best you could've and I think you should walk away from the encounter feeling absolutely exonerated from any type of wrongdoing. You did nothing to provoke this and I hope this won't deter you from experiencing the world as you have been doing. The upcoming days will be better, I'm rooting for you!”
- Julie Chen 

Give your love to Joe and follow him here: 

What do you think of this shocking incident? Tell us below!

Source: Coconut


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