Exclusive - This Is What Really Happens When A Fly Lands On Your Food! It's Even More Disgusting Than What You Imagined!
There are many pests that invade the territory of humans. Most of these pests carry diseases that can gravely affect the health of people.
One of the most common household pests is the housefly. Pest control experts claim that houseflies carry at least 200 different types of bacteria.
As lethal as this sounds, some people rarely pay them any mind. Most of us just 'shoo' these flies away once they land on our food and drinks. In fact, there are some who don’t seem to be bothered at all by these filthy insects.
The truth is, we should be more determined to get rid of these pests since they are actually more dangerous than they appear to be.
When flies land on your food, they vomit on it in order to digest it. The vomit acts as a dissolving agent. They do this because they are incapable of chewing.
Even more dangerous is the fact that these flies can spread bacteria as soon as they land on your food.
Because of the tiny hairs on the flies’ legs, disease-causing bacteria that cling to easily get transferred onto whatever the fly lands on. In this case, it's your food. It's even worse when the fly rubs its legs together.
To understand just how filthy flies are, know that they like to linger near garbage and feces.
“They only need to touch your food for a second for their legs or the tiny hairs all over their bodies to transfer germs from all those nasty things they eat onto what you are eating,” expert Ron Harrison states.
“And since flies can transfer serious, contagious diseases like cholera, dysentery, and typhoid, it is probably best if you avoid eating things a fly lands on,” he added.
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