Trending Now - How I Made Floor Art From Random Wood Pieces

My name is Alexey Steshak. I’m a mad decorator, and I create WOW projects with my own hands.

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Today I’m going to show you my new project – The Hardwood Floor with Ceramic Birds, which was made for a beauty salon.

I have been dreaming of creating such a floor for many years. And finally, my dream came true.

The total floor area is 56 sq. m. It took me five months to make it, and I worked seven days a week. I started on October 22nd, 2016 and finished on March 22nd, 2017. And that not counting the time for the material preparing and drying.

I used wind-fallen trees, some cut trees left after the fruit orchards thinning, and some trees were just brought by my friends. In the end, I had 40 bags of small wood pieces

So, I had such type of wood as: oak, Manchurian walnut, apricot tree, apple tree, pear tree, karagach, ash, birch, ash-tree maple, American walnut, cherry tree, larch, rowan and a little mahogany

The wood used for the “tree”: maple, birch, pine, larch, American cherry, pear, cherry, oak

For the background: apple, pear, apricot, Manchurian walnut, mahogany, oak, Siberian, Ukrainian oak, Hungarian beech, ash

I put the 10 mm plywood on a flat concrete subfloor and then glued the wood blocks on it

After the whole wooden part of the floor was ready, I started making the “birds”. I used broken ceramic tiles for that

Despite it was a long and very laborious process, it was a great pleasure for me, and I’ve never regretted that I started it

I love my occupation and I’m happy that I can come up with and implement such projects on my own

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