Trending Now - This Man Saw A Dog Being Sold For Meat And Just Couldn’t Walk By

Xingyi Danielle’s dad was walking down the street in China one day looking for a place to grab a bite when he saw a group of people selling live dogs trapped in bags for meat consumption. The man didn’t have the heart to simply walk by…

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So, he paid $90 for one of the doggies and saved his life. “His environment isn’t dog-friendly so he couldn’t buy more,” Danielle told The Dodo. “But [he] at least got to save one.”

As soon as he got home, the man snapped a photo of the dog in the bag to show the world they’re sold like some cheap commodity rather than a living thing.

Dad gave the dog a name, marking a new, happier chapter in the canine’s life: “It’s basically Doggo pronounced in Cantonese, actually.”

As the place the man lives at doesn’t allow dogs, the pooch is currently staying at his office for now,  but he’s still trying his best to provide a good environment for him,” said Danielle.

Most importantly, Doggo didn’t end up on someone’s burger plate. The dog couldn’t be happier to be given a second chance at life.

“I was quite proud, to be honest,” said Danielle about her dad’s spontaneous act of kindness. You go dad!

More info: Twitter (h/t: thedodo)

A man was walking down the street in China when he saw a group of people selling live dogs trapped in bags

The guy didn’t have the heart to simply walk by and let the dog be used for meat

So, he paid $90 for one of the doggies and saved his life

“His environment isn’t dog-friendly so he couldn’t buy more…”

The guy gave the dog a name, marking a new chapter in the canine’s life

Currently the dog is staying at the man’s office until they can arrange for him

“My dad’s colleagues are complaining about the mess Doggo is making…”

“But he’s still trying his best to provide a good environment for him”

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