[Interesting] The Sacred Meaning of the PyramidThe Sacred Meaning of the Pyramid

Walk into any crystal shop and you will most likely see pyramid shapes on the top of crystal clusters, orgone pyramids or even crystals fashioned into the shape of a pyramid.

This is not just because pyramids are a pretty shape, there is a deep symbolism here that goes back centuries, all the way back to the time of the Ancient Egyptians and beyond.

I have always felt drawn to the pyramids of Egypt and while I haven’t yet visited them in person, it is definitely on my bucket list!

It has long been believed that the pyramids were used as burial tombs for the Kings and Queens of Egypt, however many researchers claim that this is just not true.

The Sacred Meaning of the Pyramid
An alternative belief about the pyramids is that they were used as powerful healing chambers and not as burial sites at all. Perhaps the Egyptians had access to some advanced knowledge that we just don’t yet know about…

Pyramids are believed to be extremely sacred in many cultures around the world. Many churches are built with pyramid-like steeples and ancient pyramid structures can be found not just in Egypt, but in South America and parts of Asia.

The Native Americans also sat in tipis to conduct rituals and ceremonies, which have a pyramid like shape to them. It was believed that this shape helped to connect them with the earth and the heavens above.

In fact, what makes a pyramid so powerful is its ability to channel or collect energy from the higher realms of the stars, the planets and the Universe and deliver it down to earth.

The bottom of the pyramid represents a solid, earthy foundation, whereas the pointed top represents being able to reach into higher realms of consciousness.

Because of its shape, any energy that enters the pyramid has the ability to be cleansed and purified. Almost like the pyramid acts like a filter of sorts. This is because pyramids are said to generate negative ions which can balance the body’s electromagnetic field and deliver healing.

By sitting inside a pyramid, it is believed that your energy centers can be balanced and it becomes easier to receive messages from your intuition and higher beings. Your aura can also be recharged and can appear much brighter.

Placing food, herbs and other supplements inside a pyramid has also been shown to increase their effectiveness and can actually help to preserve their structure.

Crystals can also be more effectively charged in a pyramid structure and meditating inside a pyramid is also said to enhance the benefits and reduce stress.

Pyramids also have the ability to absorb harmful EMF’s and other energetic frequencies that are damaging to your health.

We live in an energetic Universe, and geometrical shapes have the ability to change and influence the direction of energy.

Different shapes hold different energies, and these energies can influence us in subtle and also profound ways.

It is a still a mystery as to how the ancient Pyramids of Egypt were built, but it definitely seems like they had some type of healing power that we have perhaps forgotten.

Forever Conscious

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