Trending Now - I Got Tired Of People Giving My Camera The Credit For My Photos, So I Bought The Cheapest Camera And Lens I Could Find To Prove Them Wrong

When I began posting my photos online, I started getting comments like ‘wow, you must have a great camera’ or ‘anybody can take photos like these with expensive gear’ or ‘I can’t take photos like these because I can’t afford an expensive camera like yours’. It breaks my heart when I hear people say things like this. Or when they feel like they can’t get any better or they don’t have a chance because they have a cheap camera.

So I had enough of these comments and decided to prove them wrong by finding the cheapest camera and lens I could find and take some photos with them!

I got on eBay and found a used Canon t2i for $183 and a Pentax 50mm 1.7 lens for $15. And that’s it! All of the equipment I needed for just under $200! I took my boys and my camera out and did a photo shoot and these are the photos we took!

I did the editing with Photoshop and Lightroom, so I thought I would put that out there before everyone starts screaming photoshop! I don’t care that everyone thinks that editing is cheating! I have a vision in my head when I shoot, so I get what I need out of the camera and then I literally paint it the way I envisioned it. It’s a crucial put of my art. And before you say you can’t afford Photoshop and Lightroom, I only pay $2.50 a week for mine. That’s literally less than a cappuccino!

I created a free 4-hour photography course called ‘The Photography Secrets Course’. I show you everything I did from how to shot photos like these to how to edit them. You can even use the techniques I teach in the course to take better photos with your smartphone.

You can Sign up for the course or see more of my work on my website.

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