Trending Now - All This Daughter Wanted For Christmas Was For Dad’s Hotel Carpet Instagram To Go Viral

The internet is a fickle place, you just never know what is going to become popular and go viral, let alone understand the reasons why. And the story of Bill Young might be the best example of it yet.

Bill travels a lot for his job and is a keen photographer. He has a keen eye for detail and had developed an interest in the unique patterns of the various hotel carpets he comes across on his travels. In order to share this pretty cool but rather niche hobby, he set up an Instagram account called ‘My Hotel Carpet.‘ His intro simply states: ”I travel for a living. Stay in a lot of hotels. See a lot of carpet.”

So far, so normal, am I right? This is where the story gets interesting however. Bill’s daughter Jill, herself an active social media user with perhaps a little more savvy than her old man when it comes to the online side of things, sent out a sweet tweet to give him a helping hand in gaining more followers. ”All I Want For Christmas is for my Dad’s hotel carpet Instagram to go viral, please help this happen,” she tweeted, and all hell broke loose.

Bill’s niche Instagram page suddenly found an audience, with his followers going from 125 people to 389,000 seemingly overnight. Did Jill uncover the viral formula? The combination of the seemingly mundane but cool in a slightly absurd way (the internet loves this), together with a sweet, heartfelt gesture from a clearly loving and supportive daughter seems to have been a winner.

Next stop on the way to hotel carpet world domination for Bill could be the Ellen Show, on which Jill is working her magic as we speak. ”This is amazing! If y’all get my dad on @TheEllenShow I’ll get him to do a dramatic slam poem about hotel carpet with me!” She tweeted recently.

We here at Bored Panda want more hotel carpet pictures. We want to see Bill and Jill on the Ellen Show. And by gosh we want to see them perform a dramatic slam poem duet about hotel carpets! Make it happen internet!

This is Jill Young, the author of a very special Christmas wish for her dad

She wanted to attract some attention to her father’s unique Instagram account

Bill is a keen photographer with a cool, but niche hobby

He takes pictures of unique carpet designs from the hotels he stays in on his travels

Jill’s sweet tweet asking for help to make her dad’s carpet photos go viral got an immediate response

Going from just 125 followers to a whopping 375,000 seemingly overnight

There was no way they could have predicted just how viral Bill’s account has gone!

And now the duo is pushing it even more and asking the internet to help them get on the Ellen Show

Alright Internet, do your magic one more time!

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