Trending Now - “Progression Of Alzheimer’s Through My Mom’s Crocheting”: Photo Reveals Devastating Effects

Alzheimer’s is a terrifying disease with devastating effects, but for someone who’s never witnessed it, it can be hard to imagine concrete examples of how it might change a person. A 34-year-old Reddit user from Camden, New Jersey, just posted a photo that illustrates her own mother’s battle with Alzheimer’s, and it’s absolutely heartbreaking to look at.

Using 14 crocheted squares made during the 2 years following her diagnosis, the woman shows the slow progression of her mother’s condition – and her fading abilities to complete the skill she once loved. “…She made squares for a while, then the circles, then the little pieces of crochet, until she got to the point where she just carried around the needles and yarn in her purse,” the user writes on Reddit. “It has been a few years since she was able to speak and several since she was able to identify who I am.”

Other users have rallied around her with support, and according to her responses to their comments, her mother is now 66, meaning she has survived 12 years of the disease. If you think someone you love may be showing signs of Alzheimer’s, or if you’re having trouble coping with a loved one already suffering, call the Alzheimer’s Association Helpline at 1-800-272-3900.

“The Progression of Alzheimer’s Through My Mom’s Crocheting”

People responded with their own harrowing experiences with the disease

If you think someone you love may be showing signs of Alzheimer’s, or if you’re having trouble coping with a loved one already suffering, call the Alzheimer’s Association Helpline at 1-800-272-3900

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