Trending Now - Man Documents His Incredible Transformation Into A Woman In Just 17 Months, And Her Growing Smile Says It All

Ohio student Selgal has shared intimate photos of her transition from a man into a woman, and the eye-opening images provide additional information about what happens to a body during hormone replacement therapy (HRT). Selgal has documented 17 months on this process and provided personal comments about the way she felt throughout the period.

HRT (sometimes called cross-sex hormone therapy) involves taking sex hormones and other hormonal medications. It brings out secondary sexual characteristics that develop at puberty but aren’t involved in reproduction. Those medications include estrogens and antiandrogens (male-to-female transformations) and androgens like testosterone (female-to-male). In trans women, this therapy may distribute fat to the hips, reduce the size of their penis and testicles, reduce muscle mass and power, increase breast size and limit the growth of facial hair. To maintain the effects, a person has to continue HRT therapy throughout his whole life.

“It’s never too late to change who you are,” Selgal said describing her journey. “Happiness is real, you just have to be willing to risk anything to find it.”

“Transitioned from this to this in 17 months”

“2 years pre HRT: Age 16, total pot head (get it?)”

“1st-month HRT, just started college. I always kept checking the mirror to see if I noticed any changes. But it turns out it takes a pretty long time for anything major”

“3 months HRT, starting to feel better. Still depressed but finally starting to feel like me”

“Trying to be cute when I really wasn’t lol, this is around 9 months HRT”

“I look like one of the dudes on Dateline in this pic lol, this was 11 months HRT”

“11 months, first picture I took of myself that I actually liked”

“Still one ugly f*cker though :P”

“Starting sophomore year of college, 12 months HRT”

“Looking good in class (I started wearing baggy clothes for some reason), 12 months HRT”

“Starting to see something, 12 months HRT”

“Still looking like a grumpy dude 13 months HRT”

“Sitting in class – 13 months HRT”

“My mirror is dirty, 14 months HRT”

“Sorry for the anime shirt :P 14 months”

“Starting to get cute – 14 months”

“Waking up from a nap looking cranky – 14 months”

“Laying in bed, 15 months”

“Walking home from class, dressing more feminine – 15 months”

“After a much-needed haircut, 15 months”

“Just waking up, kinda grumpy lol, 15 months HRT”

“Another classroom selfie, really liking the way I look, 15 months”

“Hanging out in the hallway before class, 16 months”

“Started using makeup and wearing dresses in public, 16 months”

“Bathroom selfie, 16 months HRT”

“And this is me today (17 months HRT), living my life happily with a boyfriend whom I love more than life”

“It’s never too late to change who you are. Happiness is real, you just have to be willing to risk anything to find it”

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