Viral Now - 3-Minute Easy Workout Routine for Neck and Shoulder Pain Relief
Have you ever caught yourself slouching at work? You realize, seemingly out of nowhere, that you could lift your upper body about four inches just by straightening your back and think, “hmm, is that why my neck is so sore?”
Tight muscles are a fact of life; we try to massage a knot out of our shoulder while we watch TV after a long day at work, but the pain just doesn’t go away.
The pain affects your life from day to night
Most of us have desk jobs that require a lot of screen time. All that computer work can lead to some real discomfort with shoulder and neck pains. No matter how much you shift around in your chair, you can’t quite find a long-term solution, and you’re not being productive any longer because you’re so focused on your muscle pain.
Other times the pain can become so severe that you may try to take a painkiller to alleviate it. But that’s only a short term solution, and certainly not a very healthy one. And after all that discomfort through the day, it’s challenging to then rest peacefully because you can’t find a suitable position to alleviate the soreness. You wake up the next morning feeling tired and even more sore…it’s a vicious and miserable cycle.
Exercise for neck and shoulder pain
Thankfully, Dr. Marshall Bronstein, DC, a chiropractic provider, has recommended a three minute workout routine to reduce neck and shoulder pain. Not surprisingly, this exercise is best for professionals who find themselves cooped up in an office day in and day out, using computers and keyboards for extended periods of time. Existing in the same position for extended hours can really lock up and contract certain muscle groups. These exercises can help to relieve it.
1. Shoulder rolls ten times back
Make circles with the shoulders, 10 times backward and 10 times forward.
2. Palms up palms up
Roll your shoulder where your hands are pointing up 10 times.
3. Scarecrow
This brings in a little bit of round Boyd’s. Notice the elbows are in the same position and the arms rotate 10 times.
4. Stretching for the neck
A forward sustained hold. The chin goes to the chest, hand helps pull turn your head and when you get the tender areas, stop and work those.
5. Back forward stretch
In a seated position, fold your hands behind your head as if about to do a crunch. Curl forward, rounding out the back.
Check out Dr. Marshall Bronstein, DC full video about the 3-minute neck and shoulder pain relief here.
Featured photo credit: Unsplash via
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