[Amazing] Top 15 Greatest Puns of All Time

Using nothing but instinct and intuition, I’ve scoured the deep and vast interwebs for the greatest puns of all time. Why would I do this, you ask? Because puns are amazing. And also terrible. This combination of amazing and terrible puts puns in a unique category all of its own. It’s hard to deny their mystery. Simultaneously, puns have the power to make one person groan, another sigh, another laugh, and another die (okay, I made that last one up. Puns can’t kill people). Some might even be able to laugh and sigh at the same time. How is this possible? No one knows. No one probably cares either. At the end of the day, you just want to hear the best puns ever. So, let’s not delay any further, here are the top 15 greatest puns of all time.

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