Trending Now - Friend’s Reality-Check To A Guy Getting Disappointed Over Ex Not Waiting Till He “Matures” Goes Viral
There is a generally accepted notion that women ‘mature’ faster than men. One widely reported study, dubiously commissioned by Nickelodeon UK (very mature), claimed that men finally grow up aged 43, a full 11 years later than women. It went on to list the top 30 ‘maturity failings’ of men, as experienced by women with things like: “Finding their own farts and burps hilarious; eating fast food at 2:00am and playing videogames,” featuring at the top.
Surely the inability to commit to a relationship should be somewhere on the list too. It’s fair enough if you don’t feel ready to settle down and want to ‘play the field’ for a little while first. But expecting someone to be there waiting for you, when you finally decide that you’re done playing, is just selfish, dumb and asking for trouble.
This viral Twitter thread, told by Rev Rell, is a lesson to all of us tempted to try to put things ‘on hold’ while you screw around.
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Image credits: awkward_duck
Image credits: awkward_duck
Image credits: awkward_duck
Image credits: awkward_duck
Image credits: awkward_duck
Image credits: awkward_duck
Image credits: awkward_duck
Image credits: awkward_duck
Image credits: awkward_duck
Image credits: awkward_duck
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