[Amazing] 25 Truths About Smelling That Will Make You Appreciate Your Nose
Smelling is one of those things that many of us take for granted. Of course, if you were going to lose any of your senses, your sense of smell would probably be the most logical choice. But don’t be fooled. It is still more important than you think. The technical term for this sense is “olfaction”. It occurs when odorant molecules bind to olfactory receptors inside your nose. So yes, whatever you are smelling is actually little pieces of that substance attaching themselves to the inside of your nose. Nice to know right? Here’s a fun fact for you – not everybody can smell the same odors. While you may be able to smell some things, your friend may only be able to smell others. All of this boils down to genetics. In order to smell something, your genetic code has to allow for it. In fact, whether or not people like certain foods has been traced back to their genes. This is because if you are (un) able to smell certain odors, it actually changes the way you taste food. That’s right, your sense of smell has a big effect on your sense of taste. These are 25 truths about smelling that will make you appreciate your nose!
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