Exclusive - ATTENTION: Women Between 18 and 44 years old Should NEVER Ignore these Symptoms!

Have you heard of Polycystic ovary syndrome or PCOS?

PCOS is a disorder affecting young girls and woman who are of reproductive age. Women between 18 and 44 years old are at risk of developing this syndrome. However, studies say that this could also afflict girls under 11.

Approximately 1 in every 10 to 15 females have PCOS.


- Obesity
- Lack of physical exercise
- Family history of PCOS
- Overproduction of the male hormone: testosterone
- Insulin resistance

Insulin is the hormone that's responsible for the lowering of blood sugar and in the case of insulin resistance, the insulin will not be able to lower down your sugar levels, causing it to rise to dangerous levels. 

PCOS often causes infertility. This syndrome leads to anovulatory infertility, meaning there's no ovulation. Suffering from PCOS might prevent a mature egg from being fertilized by a sperm

Most women tend to shrug off the symptoms of PCOS because they seem normal. As a consequence, once the disorder is discovered, it might already be too late and make it hard for them to get pregnant.

Here are some of the symptoms of PCOS:

1. Irregular periods
- This is the most common sign of PCOS. This triggers the production of testosterone, leading to formation of cysts in your ovaries. The cysts will then stop the release of the egg, preventing menstruation. 

2. Absence of menstruation (Primary Amenorrhea)
- This occurs when a girl does not get her period until she's 16 or 18. This is caused by high testosterone levels, preventing the release of eggs.

3. Excessive Body and Facial Hair
- This condition is called hirsutism, it happens as a consequence of high levels of testosterone. Women will often experience having excess hair in the chin and jaw area, the upper lip, arms, thighs, legs, stomach and chest.

4. Loss of hair and thinning
- Falling hair? Losing strands of hair while washing it or if too many loose strands on your pillow might be caused by PCOS. This is a symptom of hormonal imbalance.



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