Exclusive - Cara Delivigne Is Now Suffering A Skin Disease? People Are Now Asking For Prayer!

What is Cara Delevingne suffering from?

According to various reports, the actress has been suffering from psoriasis, a skin condition that causes scaly rashes.

"People would put on gloves and not want to touch me because they thought it was, like, leprosy or something," Delevingne told London's The Times.

"I was, like, fight and flight for months. Just constantly on edge," she said of the stresses of the industry.

"It is a mental thing as well because if you hate yourself and your body and the way you look, it just gets worse and worse."

Delevingne has started her modeling career when she was just 10 years old. Now, she has been a star in movies like Paper Towns and Suicide Squad.

Cara Delivigne Is Now Suffering A Skin Disease? People Are Now Asking For Prayer!
Source: TNP, Facebook

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