[Amazing] 25 Hit Movies With Unintentionally Horrible Messages
Most movies have a theme, moral, or message they’re trying to convey. Sometimes this is done subtly, sometimes bluntly, but most of the time, it makes sense. However, other times we step back and look at the message again only to realize that maybe their message isn’t such a good one. Even older movies and classics that come across as horribly racist, sexist, or cringe-worthy in other ways (as values and socially acceptable norms have changed) can at least still be relevant with their central theme. Here are 25 Hit Movies With Unintentionally Horrible Messages.
Clint Carter has taught Special Education in public schools for the past 22 years. He also referees lacrosse, hockey, soccer, and basketball from youth to professional level. In his spare time he enjoys sports, reading, movies, and trivia. You can follow him on Twitter @indylaxassigner.