[Amazing] 25 Ideas That Are Almost Never Ever Good…Ever
Ideas can change the world and make it a better place for everybody. They can be the catalyst that triggers the revolution. Ideas are powerful, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be cautious. Sometimes ideas are bad. Like, really bad. These are 25 ideas that are almost never ever good…ever.
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Golden Corral
It’s cheap, yes. But next to smoking and BASE jumping, there are few ways to shorten your life expectancy more efficiently.
Taking the counteroffer when leaving a job
Source: www.forbes.com, Image: pixabay.com
When you’re about to leave for greener pastures and your boss decides to up your pay, don’t give in. As some experts have pointed out, this can be a major red flag for your future job satisfaction if you stay.
Jumping into water without checking its depth
Image: pixabay.com
This can end very badly.
Leaving valuables in your car
Unless it’s Canada, then you’re okay.
Anything that happens directly following the phrase, “Hey everybody, check this out!”
Image: pixabay.com
If you don’t know why this is a bad idea, you haven’t spent enough time on Youtube.
Scrolling through social media while going through a hard time
Image: pixabay.com
Everyone’s life will seem better than yours. Everyone’s.
Grocery shopping while hungry
Image: pixabay.com
You’ll want everything.
Gas station sushi
Image: pixabay.com
It doesn’t matter how good it looks or how hungry you are. Don’t do it!
Taking a sleeping pill and a laxative simultaneously
You can just imagine how this one ends.
Driving drunk
Image: pixabay.com
This is how the vast majority of car accidents happen.
Image: pixabay.com
They’re carcinogenic, expensive, make you smell, and they’re really addictive.
Anything that requires you to say “It’s just a prank bro!” afterwards.
Once again, if you don’t know why this is a bad idea, we have one word for you…Youtube.
Yelling the name of your lost son on a deserted island overrun by dinosaurs
Image: commons.wikimedia.org
Sometimes it seems like the characters in Jurassic Park never learn…
Going to a movie for your first date
Image: commons.wikimedia.org
This won’t facilitate any conversation at all.
Using the word “password” as your password
Image: commons.wikimedia.org
Unless you don’t mind other people using your accounts.
Shopping for things without doing your research
Image: http://ift.tt/2gaepdE
Also, believing the sales person.
Invading Russia during winter
Unless you are the Mongols, this is possibly the dumbest idea you could have. Just ask Hitler.
Trying to solve your girlfriend’s problem when she just wants to vent
Let her vent.
Trying to be friends with an ex
In the vast majority of cases, not a good idea.
Co-signing loans for “friends”
Image: pixabay.com
Disclaimer: note how “friends” has quotation marks around it. This is very different from friends without quotation marks. We’re assuming that you’re able to tell the difference when it comes to the people in your life.
Running with scissors
Image: pixabay.com
Your grandma was right about this one. Don’t do it.
Feeding trolls on the internet
Just let it go, you’re wasting your time.
Not flossing
Image: pixabay.com
Okay, although the links between flossing and heart disease are disputable, flossing has a very low opportunity cost, and it could still save you thousands in terms of dental work.
Not washing your hands after eating really hot chilis
Image: pixabay.com
It’s only a matter of time before you rub your eyes.
Lending money to people you just met
This is especially true if A) you met them online B) they are a Nigerian Prince. But seriously, you may want to consider that money to be a gift rather than a loan, at least from a budgeting standpoint.