Exclusive - Arch. Villegas Lambasted SC Rulings: 'The Burial Is An Insult To The EDSA Spirit'

Catholics Bishops Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) President Socrates Villages lamented the Supreme Court (SC) decision to allow the remains of the late dictator Ferdinand Marcos to be buried in the Libingan ng Mga Bayani.

Villegas, a protegé of the late Manila Archbishop Jaime Cardinal Sin who helped oust Marcos through the EDSA People Power Revolution of 1986, said to Rappler that it's an insult to the EDSA spirit.

"It mocks our fight to restore democracy. I am puzzled and hurt, and in great grief," he added. 

Villegas was then the 25-year-old private secretary of Sin when Filipinos decided to overthrow Marcos on February 25, 1986.

Villegas issued his statement after the SC voted 9-5, allowing a hero's burial for Marcos as proposed by President Rodrigo Duterte. 

Arch. Villegas on SC Rulings: It Mocks Our Fight To Restore Democracy
Source: TNP, Rappler

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