Exclusive - Easy Ways To Check Yourself For Parasites Or Even Cancer! Just Look For These Signs On Your Neck

Learning how to perform a self-examination may be just what you need to find out if your body is healthy or not. These quick and easy tips will show you how to check yourself for swollen lymph nodes

Lymph nodes are oval or kidney shaped glands which are vital to the immune system. These glands are in charge of filtering harmful substances and contain immune cells which help fight infection. They also carry nutrients through the bloodstream to the body’s tissues and organs.

These glands are commonly found in the neck, underarms, back of the ear and groin area. Usually you won’t notice where a lymph node is – unless it becomes swollen.

Swollen bumps at the back of your ear, neck or groin areas are most likely swollen lymph nodes.

There are many common causes for swollen glands on the neck. Some of these causes are:

-Chicken Pox

-Common Cold




-Rheumatoid Arthritis

-Staph Infections



-Bacterial Diseases

-Fungal Diseases

-Parasitic Infections

Other causes of swollen lymph nodes are sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), HIV, and cancer. Remember to always get checked by a doctor to rule out more serious concerns.

Easy Ways To Check Yourself For Parasites Or Even Cancer! Just Look For These Signs On Your Neck

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